Spain is located very far from Lithuania. Even border towns are at a distance of more than 2,500 km. As a result, partial and full cargo transportation from Northern Europe to Spain takes longer than, for example, from Germany. However, route planning is often faster because there are fewer stops and more driving.
Siramis transports different types of cargoes to Spain. We can use standard curtain-sided semi-trailers, road trains or Mega trailers that can hold items up 3.05 m in height. All trailers are additionally reinforced and have XL certificates. All our tractor units travel from Lithuania to Spain: both new and those that are a few years old. The technical condition is perfect since they are thoroughly inspected after each journey.
We can offer full and partial cargo transportation from Spain. Our tractor units are constantly travelling across Europe and we can organise transport in each direction if necessary. So transportation from Lithuania to Spain is the same as from Spain to Lithuania.
What is so special about different travel destinations to Spain? There is no choice in transit countries. If full truckload (FTL) is transported or final destination is in Spain, each region of the country can be accessed from Lithuania only by crossing Poland, Germany and France.
This Western Europe country is neither the biggest importer to Lithuania nor the export leader so Lithuania–Spain route is not so frequent compared to Germany or Poland. There are no exclusive goods as well: food, equipment, household utensils and clothing. Spain does not produce high added-value products like Switzerland. Import is often seasonal, for example, some foods: oranges, grapefruit or grapes.